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Dick Leger - Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame Historical Archive
Website devoted to caller Dick Leger; the author also references the extensive discography on Vic and Debbie Ceder's website. There are numerous items in the SDHP collection related to Dick Leger. View itemMoving Image
Texas Star - Bob Dalsemer
Recorded at Dare To Be Square, Seattle, in 2009. For a more complete view of dances from the weekend, see the audio and video files posted here. View itemDocument
Dare To Be Square - Seattle, 2009
Dare To Be Square – Seattle, Washington, 2009Dare To Be Square is a weekend event celebrating square dancing in its many forms. North Carolina callers Nancy Mamlin and Phil Jamison created the… View itemSound
Two Little Hoboes
Two Little Hoboes is a common figure in Ozark square dancing. Here it's called by L.D. Keller, with fiddling by Tommy Jackson. We include the introduction and the first time through the dance, an… View itemSound
Buffalo Girls - 1927
The recording is [Tommy} Dandurand and his Barn Dance Fiddlers, recorded in 1927, with caller Ed Goodreau. Dandurand was a fixture on the National Barn Dance on WLS radio in Chicago. For a detailed… View itemSound
Square Dance Time - Tommy Cavanagh
Two clips from Tommy Cavanagh's "Square Dance Time" album., excerpts from "Hoedown Boogie" and "Boil that Cabbage." Callers in Great Britain from time to time… View itemSound
Red Bates 1968 Patter
The next clips we have are from another dance at Newton Pavilion seven years later. By then the calls Swing Thru and Spin the Top had been added to the call vocabulary and Red makes use of both in… View itemSound
McLeod's Reel - 1926
Recorded by Tom Owens and the WLS Barn Dance Trio; this band was featured on the National Barn Dance on WLS radio in Chicago. For a detailed appreciation of this program, see fiddler Paul Tyler's post… View itemMoving Image
Grandma Slid Down the Mountain - Tod Whittemore
Caller Tod Whittemore with his yodeling square dance, "Grandma Slid Down the Mountain." As Tod says in his introduction, "This is a dance by Ted Sannella... but he never called it exactly like this."… View itemMoving Image
Two singing squares - Tod Whittemore, 1986
Tod Whittemore provides the instructions and calls the figures at these two singing squares: Maple Sugar Gal and Smoke on the Water. Music is by Allan Block on fiddle and Peter Barnes on piano.… View itemMoving Image
Tod Whittemore - Grand Colonel
Tod Whittemore calling at his dance series at the VFW, Cambridge, MA, December, 1985. Musicians: New England Tradition (Bob McQuillen, piano; April Limber, fiddle; Pete Colby, banjo). Videotaped by… View item
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