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Patter - Bill Castner
This is a short clip of patter calling by Bill Castner, a caller from California. View itemSound
Patter - Les Gotcher
This is a short clip of patter calling from a dance called by Les Gotcher in 1959. The dance was held at the Newton Pavillion in Newton, NH View itemWebsite
Pat Napier interview
This is a short interview (2013) with Patrick Napier, author of Kentucky Mountain Square Dancing. In it, he talks about his experiences as a member of the Berea Country Dancers, working with Frank… View itemMoving Image
Parisian Varieties Quadrille
Mid-19th century quadrille, five figures, with music including waltz, polka, and mazurka.Les Variétés ParisiennesA new Quadrille, composed by the "Société Académique… View itemMoving Image
Parisian Star - Tony Parkes
Tony Parkes taught this dance during his workshop session on New England Square Dances, recorded November 19, 2011, at the Dare To Be Square Weekend, John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC.… View itemStill Image
Pardners - Jerry Lewis square dance
The 1956 film Pardners, starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, originally had a square dance sequence with Jerry Lewis as the caller, testimony to the role that square dancing had in American popular… View itemDocument
Pappy's Kids - SIO, 1948
The Cheyenne Mountain Dancers were featured on the cover and the lead story of the first issue ofSets in Order, published to coincide with the appearance of the group in southern California.The… View itemMoving Image
Pappy's Do-Si-Do – Rocky Mountain Dancers
This video shows the group dancing to a recording of Lloyd "Pappy" Shaw calling. The calls are designed to showcase a series of different figures.Performed by the Colorado Rocky Mountain Dancers. The… View item
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