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Pack Up Your Troubles / Three-Quarter Promenade (clip) - Rod Linnell
The tune is Pack Up Your Troubles. Linnell's calls were released on the Rodeo label (Canada, RXP1), with music by The Maritime All Stars. View itemMoving Image
Ozarks - Taney Center Square #2
Footage recorded in Forsyth, Missouri, by Gordon McCann and shared with the Square Dance History Project. The fiddler is Bob Holt, recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship in 1999. The tempo here… View itemMoving Image
Ozarks - Taney Center Square #1
Footage recorded in Forsyth, Missouri, by Gordon McCann and shared with the Square Dance History Project. The fiddler is Bob Holt, recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship in 1999. The tempo is… View itemMoving Image
Ozarks - Cooper's Barn Square #5
Cabool, Missouri: Ozark square dance footage recorded by Gordon McCann and shared with the Square Dance History Project. The fiddler is Bob Holt, recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship in 1999.… View itemMoving Image
Ozarks - Cooper's Barn Square #4
Cabool, Missouri: Ozark square dance footage recorded by Gordon McCann and shared with the Square Dance History Project. The fiddler is Bob Holt, recipient of the National Heritage Fellowship in 1999.… View itemWebsite
Ozarks - Old Time Fiddling
Article about Ozark fiddling traditions, including a long section on fiddler Bob Holt, heard playing on videos elsewhere on this site. View itemDocument
Ozark Square Dance, 1949 - newspaper article
Newspaper article (1949) describing dance traditions in Arkansas; includes references to local square dance patter. View itemMoving Image
Outside Susie - Larry Edelman - Dances of Jerry Goodwin:
Caller Larry Edelman credits this version of the Susie Q figure to Frank Tyrell. This clip includes a walkthrough. Recorded at Dare To Be Square, Brasstown, NC, November 19, 2011. Musicians for… View itemDocument
Otto Wood - singing squares
Caller Otto Wood's calls and notes for singing squares. You can hear Belle of the Ball called by Ira Huntley here; it's the second dance in the set of three on this link.This collection was created by… View itemSound
Otto Wood - live recordings
This item includes several examples of singing squares called by Michigan caller (and fiddler) Otto Wood, with his wife Marguerite playing piano or accordion. Otto and Marguerite were regulars at the… View itemStill Image
Otto and Marguerite Wood – photos
Three photos of Otto Wood (fiddler and dance caller) and Marguerite Wood (pianist and accordion player). In the second photograph, the piano player (seen from the back) is Phil Merrill. The last photo… View item
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