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Progressive Squares - Jerry Helt
This half hour recording comes from a 1998 CALLERLAB session led by Jerry Helt, widely known for his use of progressive squares. (We appreciate CALLERLAB giving permission to share the material here.… View itemStill Image
Jean Alve
Jean Alve has been calling squares for more than 50 years. She lives in upstate New York in the town of Spencer, half an hour south of Ithaca. She now calls a weekly two-hour session of "Square,… View itemDocument
Square Dance Revival in Lincoln [Nebraska], 1940–1950
[Note: Large file may take a while to load completely.] This detailed booklet describes the revival of square dancing in Lincoln, Nebraska, and offers resources to encourage further growth. After… View itemMoving Image
Square Dancing on Pike's Peak - 1963
Square dancing at 14,000' — footage put online by the Pikes Peak Library. The actual dance footage starts at 1:17 in the footage, and lasts for about a minute. The added sound track is… View itemMoving Image
Saturday Night Square Dance - Jim Boyd, 1949
"Saturday Night Square Dance" was released in 1949 as a Soundie; the footage included here is all that we have been able to locate. (We would appreciate information from anyone having a… View itemDocument
Square Dance and Square Dance Music in Western New York State
Two articles by the pre-eminent scholar of this region's traditional music and dance traditions, and included on the site with the permission of the author. Kimball discusses the history of… View itemMoving Image
Hinky Dinky Parlez-Vous - Jim Kimball
Different callers have put different figures to this tune. Afternoon workshop of traditional New York state square dances Sponsored by the Southern Tier Country Dance Society Saturday, May 14,… View itemMoving Image
Marching Through Georgia - Jim Kimball
Afternoon workshop of traditional New York state square dances Sponsored by the Southern Tier Country Dance Society Saturday, May 14, 2016 Cuba Grange Cuba, NY Jim Kimball, caller and button… View itemMoving Image
Coming Round the Mountain - Jim Kimball
Afternoon workshop of traditional New York state square dances Sponsored by the Southern Tier Country Dance Society Saturday, May 14, 2016 Cuba Grange Cuba, NY Kimball starts with a few… View itemMoving Image
Redwing - Jim Kimball
Afternoon workshop of traditional New York state square dances Sponsored by the Southern Tier Country Dance Society Saturday, May 14, 2016 Cuba Grange Cuba, NY The tune is Redwing, commonly… View itemMoving Image
Bouquet Waltz - Jim Kimball
Afternoon workshop of traditional New York state square dances Sponsored by the Southern Tier Country Dance Society Saturday, May 14, 2016 Cuba Grange Cuba, NY Jim Kimball says that the figure… View itemWebsite
The James W. Kimball Traditional Music & Dance in NYS Collection
Jim Kimball is a well-known historian who focuses on the music and dance traditions of upstate New York. The James W. Kimball Traditional Music and Dance in New York State Collection is a curated… View item
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