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Bluebonnet Squares with Melton Luttrell
These are recordings of two sessions led by Melton Luttrell at the 1987 National Square Dance Convention in Houston, Texas. The focus of his sessions was square dancing as led by Herb Greggerson in… View itemDocument
Piute Pete - Village Barn
Piute Pete called squares regularly at the Village Barn in New York City. This newspaper columnist took a less-than-enthusiastic view of the proceedings. The SDHP collection has numerous items… View itemSound
Sashey Partners (clip) - Mel Day
Mel Day was an Idaho caller who co-authored with Jere Long In Idaho It's Docey Doe : A Manual of Idaho Square Dances. The book appeared in 1945 and was reissued in 1952. The patter in this dance makes… View itemWebsite
An Invitation To Dance: A History of Social Dance in America
This online exhibit on the history of social dance in America draws on documents in the collection of the American Antiquarian Society to offer a multi-faceted portrait of the changing nature of… View itemSound
Patter - Max Forsyth
This is a short clip from a dance called by Max Forsyth in the Springfield MA area in 1966. View itemDocument
Square-Dance Figures from Northern New York State, 1931
Maud Karpeles was a close associate of Cecil Sharp, the English folksong collector and founder of the English Folk Dance Society. While in Appalachia in 1917, Sharp and Karpeles had their first… View itemWebsite
Square Dance Videos - MWSD
Caller Matt McGovern <> has started a YouTube channel devoted to modern square dancing, including his own videos and those contributed by others. This collection offers a… View itemMoving Image
Eriskay Quadrilles - Scottish square
Performed to Allan MacDonald on the pipes. Ceolas Summer School, Eriskay Ceilidh, Scotland. Notice the aerial figure created by the two side couples at 5:45! View itemSound
Wakamono Tachi - Masaru Wada
Excerpt from recording by caller Masaru Wada, with calls in English but with additional lyrics in Japanese View itemDocument
Square Dance in Japan - organization
This piece by Masaru Wada, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Japan Square Dancers Association, presents an overview of modern square dance in that country. View item
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