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Maple Sugar Gal - Tod Whittemore
Singing square, called by Tod Whittemore at the 24th annual Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend in Durham, NH.The musicians are Bob McQuillen, piano; Randy Miller, fiddle; Peter Siegel, mandolin. The late… View itemMoving Image
Smoke on the Water - Tod Whittemore
Tod Whittemore is the caller; music is provided by Bob McQuillen, piano; Randy Miller, fiddle, and Peter Siegel, mandolin. This was part of a dance workshop on singing squares, recorded on January 15,… View itemMoving Image
Just Because - Tod Whittemore
Tod Whittemore is the caller; music is provided by Bob McQuillen, piano; Randy Miller, fiddle, and Peter Siegel, mandolin. This was part of a dance workshop on singing squares, recorded on January 15,… View itemMoving Image
Trail of the Lonesome Pine - Tod Whittemore
Tod Whittemore is the caller; music is provided by Bob McQuillen, piano; Randy Miller, fiddle, and Peter Siegel, mandolin. This was part of a dance workshop on singing squares, recorded on January 15,… View itemMoving Image
Crooked Stovepipe - Tod Whittemore
The caller is Tod Whittemore; musicians are Randy Miller, fiddle; Peter Siegel, mandolin; and Bob McQuillen, piano. Danced during a Retrospective session at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend,… View itemMoving Image
Gents and Corners - Tony Parkes
Danced during a Retrospective session at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend, January 15, 2011. The caller is Tony Parkes; musicians are Randy Miller, fiddle; Peter Siegel, mandolin; and Bob… View item
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