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Grand Square - Bob Dalsemer - Maryland Line 6
Grand Square was always danced at Maryland Line to one part of the polka tune Bye, Bye My Baby. The late Bob Osgood, publisher of Sets in Order magazine, recorded "Grand Square Quadrille" to… View itemMoving Image
Grand Colonel Spin - demonstration
The Grand Spin call is no longer on the standard lists of MWSD calls. The dancers here are tapping but the figure itself can be clearly seen, starting at :35. The dancers are the Air Cap Tappers at… View itemWebsite
Grand Chain - Grande Chaîne
Note: The link will take you to the home page featuring a documentary by Guy Bouchard about "Traditional music and dances from the tip of the Gaspé peninsula." Interested viewers can stream the… View itemStill Image
Golden State Round Up 1964
Grand march at the Golden State Round Up, Oakland, CA, 1964. Each row is 4 squares, and there are about 50 rows That's 200 squares, or 1600 dancers. The event featured live music, with an 11… View itemMoving Image
Golden Slippers - Ralph Sweet
Recorded at the February 2, 2004, at the Guiding Star Grange, Greenfield, MA, on the occasion of recording "Shindig in the Barn," an album of singing squares. Musicians are the Ralph Sweet All-Stars:… View itemSound
Golden Slippers - Donald "Jake" Jacoby
Recorded by Bob Dalsemer, January 5, 1974 at the Maryland Line Fire Hall, Maryland Line, MD. Caller: Donald "Jake" Jacoby Band: The Saw Mill Boys This a standard "divide the… View itemMoving Image
Golden Slippers - Bob Dalsemer
At the Dare To Be Square dance weekend, Bob Dalsemer led a workshop on "Dances of Maryland Line," a small town in northern Maryland that he visited often in the 1970s. Attentive viewers will… View itemMoving Image
Going to the Barn Dance Tonight - Soundie
Carson Robison (on guitar) was a country music star. The Wikipedia article about him says, "According to Billboard, his 1942 recording of the standard "Turkey in the Straw" was that year's top selling… View itemMoving Image
Going Down South - Bob Dalsemer
Bob Dalsemer calls this singing square, with music provided by Notorious (Eden MacAdam Somer on fiddle, Larry Unger on guitar). Recorded January 18, 2013, at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend,… View itemMoving Image
Goin' Uptown - Bill Litchman
Bill Litchman calls at the Dare To Be Square weekend held November 18-20, 2011, at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC. Musicians are Steve Hickman and Claudio Buchwald, fiddles; Jim… View item
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