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Green Mountain Land - Vermont square, 1950
This square dance sequence is part of a 1950 film, "Green Mountain Land," produced by Robert Flaherty and directed by David Flaherty. The narrator is caller Ted Glabach, from Dummerston,… View itemMoving Image
Grey Eagle Square Dance with the New Lost City Ramblers
This program appeared on German television during the 1966 European tour by the New Lost City Ramblers, with Roscoe Holcomb, the Stanley Brothers, Cousin Emmy and others. See article by Philip Gura in… View itemDocument
Gym Classes in Square Dancing
This article describes the author's experiences teaching square dancing at Vanderbilt University. In addition to describing how the program developed, Prof. Chadwick concludes on an uplifting… View itemSound
Half Sashay - Butch Nelson (clip)
"Pull up your pants and tighten the tracesAll join hands, we're off to the races."With opening patter like this, we know we're in traditional western square dance territory. Thirty seconds later, when… View itemMoving Image
Half Way Round - Tony Parkes
Tony Parkes, caller, recorded at the Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend, January 12, 2007. The dance was called frequently by Ralph Page, and it's possible that Page got the figures from Connecticut… View itemSound
Half Way Round (clip) - Rod Linnell
Maine caller with his composition, a singing call set to the RCA VIctor recording of "Back Up and Push." Linnell's version is published in View itemMoving Image
Traditional square and contra dance series often include a variety of couple dances as part of their program. Depending on location and time, dancers might enjoy waltz, polka, or schottische, among… View itemDocument
Hand position in MWSD
The formation of CALLERLAB in 1974 established definitions and helped modern square dancing become more standardized. This does not mean that everything fell neatly into place! The cover illustration… View itemMoving Image
Harlem Rosette Mixer called by Larry Edelman
Larry Edelman calls this scatter mixer at the Dare To Be Square weekend held November 18-20, 2011, at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, NC. He introduces the "Harlem Rosette" figure that… View itemDocument
Harold Luce biography
This short biography profiles Harold Luce (1918-2014), a well-known Yankee fiddler and dance caller closely associated with the Ed Larkin Dancers of north central Vermont. Luce started playing with… View itemSound
Harper Smith
This is a short clip called by Harper Smith at the National Square Dance Convention in Dallas, Texas in April of 1954. The choreography is hand turn hash with several Allemande Breaks. View itemMoving Image
Hash - Jim Mayo - MWSD 1
This is a series of videos documenting Jim Mayo's workshop on Modern Western Square Dance, recorded November 19, 2011. This was part of the Dare To Be Square Weekend held at the John C. Campbell… View item
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